The State Council on Printing and Distributing the Action Plan for Carbon Peaking Before 2030


In order to thoroughly implement the major strategic decisions of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, and solidly promote the carbon peaking action, this plan is formulated.

1. General requirements

(1) Guiding ideology. Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Plenary Sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee, thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, based on the new stage of development, complete, Accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, build a new development pattern, adhere to the system concept, properly handle the relationship between development and emission reduction, overall and partial, short-term and medium-term, coordinate and stabilize growth and adjust the structure, and achieve carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. Incorporated into the overall economic and social development, adhere to the general policy of "national overall planning, conservation priority, two-wheel drive, smooth internal and external, and risk prevention", effectively, orderly and effectively do a good job of carbon peaking , and clarify the goals and tasks of each region, field and industry , accelerate the realization of green changes in production and lifestyle, promote economic and social development on the basis of efficient use of resources and green and low-carbon development, and ensure that the goal of peaking carbon by 2030 is achieved as scheduled .

(2) Working principles.

——Overall deployment and classified implementation of policies. Adhere to the national game of chess, strengthen top-level design and coordination of all parties. Each region, each field, and each industry shall implement measures according to local conditions, classify and implement policies, and clarify the goals and tasks that meet both their own actual conditions and overall requirements.

——System advancement and key breakthroughs. Comprehensively and accurately understand the far-reaching impact of the carbon peaking action on economic and social development, and strengthen the systematization and synergy of policies. Grasp the main contradiction and the main aspects of the contradiction, and promote the peak in key areas, key industries and places where conditions permit.

——Two-wheel drive, two-handed force. Better play the role of the government, build a new national system, give full play to the role of the market mechanism, vigorously promote green and low-carbon technological innovation, deepen reforms in energy and related fields, and form an effective incentive and restraint mechanism.

——Safe, orderly and safe carbon reduction . Based on China's energy resource endowment with rich coal , poor oil and little gas, insist on establishing first and then breaking, stabilizing the stock, expanding the increment, taking ensuring national energy security and economic development as the bottom line, buying time to realize the gradual replacement of new energy, and promoting low energy A smooth transition of carbon transformation, effectively ensure national energy security, industrial chain supply chain security, food security, and normal production and life of the people, focus on resolving various risks and hidden dangers, prevent overreaction, and promote carbon peaking actions in a stable, orderly and step-by-step manner to ensure safety reduction . carbon .

2. Main objectives

During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, significant progress has been made in the adjustment and optimization of the industrial structure and energy structure, the energy utilization efficiency of key industries has been greatly improved, the growth of coal consumption has been strictly controlled, the construction of new power systems has been accelerated, and new progress has been made in the research and development, promotion and application of green and low-carbon technologies. , green production and lifestyle have been widely implemented, and the policy system conducive to green, low-carbon and circular development has been further improved. By 2025, the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption will reach about 20%, the energy consumption per unit of GDP will decrease by 13.5% compared with 2020, and the carbon dioxide emission per unit of GDP will decrease by 18% compared with 2020, laying a solid foundation for achieving carbon peaking .

During the "15th Five-Year Plan" period, major progress has been made in industrial restructuring, a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system has been initially established, a low-carbon development model in key areas has been basically formed, the energy utilization efficiency of key energy-consuming industries has reached the international advanced level, and non-fossil energy consumption The proportion is further increased, coal consumption is gradually reduced, key breakthroughs have been made in green and low-carbon technologies, a green lifestyle has become a conscious choice of the public, and the green, low-carbon and circular development policy system is basically sound. By 2030, the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption will reach about 25%, the carbon dioxide emission per unit of GDP will drop by more than 65% compared with 2005, and the goal of carbon peaking by 2030 will be successfully achieved .

3. Key tasks

The carbon peaking runs through the whole process and all aspects of economic and social development, focusing on the implementation of energy green and low-carbon transformation actions, energy conservation, carbon reduction and efficiency enhancement actions, industrial carbon peaking actions, urban and rural construction carbon peaking actions, and green and low-carbon transportation. Action, circular economy to help carbon reduction action , green and low-carbon technology innovation action, carbon sink capacity consolidation and improvement action, green and low-carbon national action, and orderly carbon peaking action in each region, etc.

(1) Green and low-carbon transformation of energy.

Energy is an important material basis for economic and social development and the most important source of carbon emissions. We must adhere to safe carbon reduction , vigorously implement renewable energy substitution under the premise of ensuring energy security, and accelerate the construction of a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system.

1. Promote coal consumption substitution, transformation and upgrading. Accelerate the pace of coal reduction, strictly and reasonably control the growth of coal consumption during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, and gradually reduce it during the "15th Five-Year Plan" period. Strictly control new coal-fired power projects, the coal consumption standards of newly built units reach the international advanced level, orderly eliminate outdated coal power production capacity, speed up the energy-saving upgrade and flexibility transformation of existing units, actively promote heating transformation, and promote coal-fired power to basic security and system Regulated power supply and reclassified. Strictly control the scale of coal-fired power supporting cross-regional delivery of renewable energy power, and the proportion of renewable energy power in new channels shall not be less than 50% in principle. Promote the reduction of coal and limit coal in key coal-using industries . Vigorously promote the clean utilization of coal, rationally delineate areas where scattered burning is prohibited , take multiple measures, actively and orderly promote the replacement of scattered coal, and gradually reduce or prohibit scattered coal burning.

2. Vigorously develop new energy. Comprehensively promote the large-scale development and high-quality development of wind power and solar power generation, adhere to both centralized and distributed development, and accelerate the construction of wind power and photovoltaic power generation bases. Accelerate the innovation and upgrading and characteristic applications of the smart photovoltaic industry , innovate the "photovoltaic +" model, and promote the diversified layout of photovoltaic power generation. Adhere to the equal emphasis on land and sea, promote the coordinated and rapid development of wind power, improve the offshore wind power industry chain, and encourage the construction of offshore wind power bases. Actively develop solar thermal power generation, and promote the establishment of a wind-solar thermal integrated renewable energy power generation base with complementary adjustment of solar thermal power generation, photovoltaic power generation and wind power. Develop biomass power generation, biomass energy clean heating and biological natural gas according to local conditions. Explore and deepen the development and utilization of geothermal energy and new marine energy such as wave energy, tidal energy, and temperature difference energy. Further improve the guarantee mechanism for renewable energy power consumption . By 2030, the total installed capacity of wind power and solar power will reach more than 1.2 billion kilowatts.

3. Develop hydropower according to local conditions. Actively promote the construction of hydropower bases, promote the construction of hydropower projects in the upper reaches of the Jinsha River, the upper reaches of the Lancang River, the middle reaches of the Yalong River, and the upper reaches of the Yellow River, which have been included in the planning and meet the requirements of ecological protection, and promote the development of hydropower in the lower reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River. Promote the synergy and complementarity of hydropower, wind power, and solar power generation in the southwest region. Coordinate hydropower development and ecological protection, and explore the establishment of a compensation mechanism for ecological protection in the development of hydropower resources. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" and "15th Five-Year Plan" period, the newly added hydropower installed capacity was about 40 million kilowatts, and the renewable energy system mainly based on hydropower in the southwest region was basically established.

4. Actively, safely and orderly develop nuclear power. Reasonably determine the layout and development sequence of nuclear power plants, develop nuclear power in an orderly manner on the premise of ensuring safety, and maintain a stable construction rhythm. Actively promote demonstration projects of advanced reactor types such as high-temperature gas-cooled reactors, fast reactors, modular small reactors, and offshore floating reactors, and carry out demonstrations of comprehensive utilization of nuclear energy. Increase the standardization and autonomy of nuclear power, accelerate the research on key technical equipment, and cultivate high-end nuclear power equipment manufacturing industry clusters. Implement the strictest safety standards and strictest supervision, and continuously improve nuclear safety supervision capabilities.

5. Rational control of oil and gas consumption. Keep oil consumption within a reasonable range, gradually adjust the scale of gasoline consumption, vigorously promote the replacement of traditional fuels such as advanced biological liquid fuels and sustainable aviation fuels, and improve the energy efficiency of end-use fuel products. Accelerate the large-scale development of unconventional oil and gas resources such as shale gas, coalbed methane, and tight oil (gas). Guide natural gas consumption in an orderly manner , optimize the utilization structure, give priority to ensuring the use of natural gas for people's livelihood, vigorously promote the integrated development of natural gas and various energy sources, build natural gas peak-shaving power stations according to local conditions, and rationally guide the use of industrial gas and chemical raw materials. Support vehicles and ships to use liquefied natural gas as fuel.

6. Speed up the construction of new power systems. Build a new power system in which the proportion of new energy is gradually increasing, and promote the optimal allocation of clean power resources on a large scale. Vigorously improve the comprehensive regulation capacity of the power system, speed up the construction of flexible regulation power sources, guide self-provided power plants, traditional high- capacity industrial loads, industrial and commercial interruptible loads, electric vehicle charging networks, and virtual power plants to participate in system regulation, build a strong and smart grid, and improve the power grid. level of security. Actively develop "new energy + energy storage", integration of source, network, load and storage , and multi-energy complementarity, and support the rational allocation of energy storage systems for distributed new energy sources. Formulate a new round of medium and long-term development plans for pumped storage power stations, and improve the policy mechanism for promoting the development of pumped storage power plants. Accelerate the demonstration, promotion and application of new energy storage. Deepen the reform of the power system and accelerate the construction of a unified national power market system. By 2025, the installed capacity of new energy storage will reach more than 30 million kilowatts. By 2030, the installed capacity of pumped storage power stations will reach about 120 million kilowatts, and the provincial power grid will basically have a peak load response capacity of more than 5%.

(2) Actions for energy conservation, carbon reduction, and efficiency enhancement .

Implement the policy of giving priority to conservation, improve the dual control system of energy consumption intensity and total amount, strictly control energy consumption intensity, reasonably control the total amount of energy consumption, promote energy consumption revolution, and build an energy-saving society.

1. Comprehensively improve energy-saving management capabilities. Implement energy budget management, strengthen energy conservation review of fixed asset investment projects, conduct a comprehensive evaluation of project energy consumption and carbon emissions, and promote energy conservation and carbon reduction from the source. Improve the informatization level of energy conservation management, improve the online monitoring system for energy consumption of key energy-consuming units, establish a nationwide and industry-wide energy-saving technology promotion service platform, and promote the establishment of energy management centers in high-energy-consuming enterprises. Improve the energy measurement system and encourage the use of certification methods to improve energy conservation management. Strengthen the capacity building of energy conservation supervision, improve the provincial, municipal, and county-level energy conservation supervision systems, establish a cross-departmental linkage mechanism, and comprehensively use administrative penalties, credit supervision, green electricity prices and other means to enhance the binding force of energy conservation supervision.

2. Implement key projects for energy conservation and carbon reduction. Implement urban energy-saving and carbon-reduction projects , carry out energy-saving upgrading and transformation of infrastructure such as buildings, transportation, lighting, and heating, promote the demonstration and application of advanced green building technologies, and promote the improvement of urban comprehensive energy efficiency. Implement energy-saving and carbon -reduction projects in parks, focusing on parks with high concentration of high-energy-consuming and high-emission projects (hereinafter referred to as "two high" projects), promoting energy system optimization and cascade utilization, and creating a group of energy-saving and low-carbon energy-saving and low-carbon products that have reached the international advanced level. park. Implement energy-saving and carbon-reduction projects in key industries, and promote energy-saving and carbon-reduction transformation in power, steel, non-ferrous metals, building materials, petrochemical and chemical industries , and improve the efficiency of energy and resource utilization. Implement major energy-saving and carbon- reducing technology demonstration projects, and support the industrialized demonstration applications of key green and low-carbon technologies that have made breakthroughs.

3. Promote energy conservation and efficiency enhancement of key energy-consuming equipment. Focus on equipment such as motors, fans, pumps, compressors, transformers, heat exchangers, and industrial boilers to comprehensively improve energy efficiency standards. Establish an energy efficiency-oriented incentive and restraint mechanism, promote advanced and efficient products and equipment, and accelerate the elimination of backward and inefficient equipment. Strengthen the energy-saving review and daily supervision of key energy-using equipment, strengthen the management of the entire chain of production, operation, sales, use, and scrapping, and severely crack down on violations of laws and regulations to ensure that energy efficiency standards and energy-saving requirements are fully implemented.

4. Strengthen the energy conservation and carbon reduction of new infrastructure. Optimize the spatial layout of new infrastructure, plan and scientifically allocate new infrastructure such as data centers, and avoid low-level repetitive construction. Optimize the energy consumption structure of new infrastructure, adopt DC power supply, distributed energy storage, "photovoltaic + energy storage" and other modes, explore diversified energy supply, and increase the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption. Benchmarking the international advanced level, speed up the improvement of energy efficiency standards for communications, computing, storage, transmission and other equipment, raise the entry threshold, and eliminate outdated equipment and technologies. Strengthen the energy consumption management of new infrastructure, and include all data centers with an annual comprehensive energy consumption of more than 10,000 tons of standard coal into the online monitoring system for key energy consumption units, and carry out energy measurement review. Promote the green upgrade and transformation of existing facilities, actively promote the use of technologies such as efficient refrigeration, advanced ventilation, waste heat utilization, and intelligent energy control to improve the energy efficiency of facilities.

(3) Carbon peaking action in the industrial sector.

Industry is one of the main areas that generate carbon emissions and has an important impact on the country's overall carbon peaking . The industrial sector should accelerate green and low-carbon transformation and high-quality development, and strive to be the first to achieve carbon peaking .

1. Promote green and low-carbon development in the industrial sector. Optimize the industrial structure, speed up the withdrawal of backward production capacity, vigorously develop strategic emerging industries, and speed up the green and low-carbon transformation of traditional industries. Promote low-carbon industrial energy consumption, promote clean and efficient use of fossil energy, increase the proportion of renewable energy applications, strengthen power demand-side management, and improve the level of industrial electrification. Deeply implement green manufacturing projects, vigorously promote green design, improve the green manufacturing system, and build green factories and green industrial parks. Promote the integrated development of digital, intelligent and green in the industrial field, and strengthen the technological transformation of key industries and fields.

2. Promote the carbon peak of the steel industry . Deepen the structural reform of the supply side of the steel industry, strictly implement capacity replacement, strictly prohibit new production capacity, promote inventory optimization, and eliminate outdated production capacity. Promote cross-regional and cross-ownership mergers and acquisitions of iron and steel enterprises, and increase industry concentration. Optimize the layout of production capacity, focus on Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding areas, and continue to reduce steel production capacity. Promote the structural optimization of the steel industry and the replacement of clean energy, vigorously promote the demonstration of non-blast furnace ironmaking technology, improve the level of recycling and utilization of scrap steel resources, and implement the whole scrap steel electric furnace process. Promote advanced and applicable technologies, tap the potential of energy saving and carbon reduction , encourage joint production of tempering, explore and carry out pilot demonstrations such as hydrogen metallurgy and the integration of carbon dioxide capture and utilization, and promote the development of low-grade waste heat heating.

3. Promote the carbon peak of the non-ferrous metal industry . Consolidate the achievements in resolving excess capacity of electrolytic aluminum, strictly implement capacity replacement, and strictly control new capacity. Promote the replacement of clean energy, and increase the proportion of hydropower, wind power, solar power and other applications. Accelerate the development of the recycled non-ferrous metal industry, improve the recycling, sorting and processing network of waste non-ferrous metal resources, and increase the output of recycled non-ferrous metals. Accelerate the promotion and application of advanced and applicable green and low-carbon technologies, improve the level of waste heat recovery in the production process of non-ferrous metals, and promote the continuous reduction of energy consumption per unit of product.

4. Promote the carbon peak of the building materials industry . Strengthen the supervision of production capacity replacement, speed up the exit of low-efficiency production capacity, strictly prohibit the addition of cement clinker and flat glass production capacity, and guide the building materials industry to transform into light-duty, intensive and productized. Promote the normalization of cement staggered production, and reasonably shorten the operation time of cement clinker units. Renewable energy sources such as wind energy and solar energy shall be utilized according to local conditions, and the proportion of electricity and natural gas shall be gradually increased. Encourage building materials enterprises to use fly ash, industrial waste residue, tailings slag, etc. as raw materials or cement admixtures. Accelerate the promotion of green building materials product certification and application promotion, and strengthen the research and development and application of low-carbon building materials such as new cementitious materials, low-carbon concrete, wood and bamboo building materials. Promote energy-saving technology and equipment, carry out the construction of energy management system, and realize energy saving and efficiency improvement.

5. Promote the peak of carbon in the petrochemical and chemical industry . Optimize the scale and layout of production capacity, increase the elimination of outdated production capacity, and effectively resolve the contradiction of structural excess. Strict project access, rationally arrange the construction sequence, strictly control the new production capacity of oil refining and traditional coal chemical industry, and develop modern coal chemical industry in a stable and orderly manner. Guide enterprises to change the way of energy use, and encourage the replacement of coal with electricity and natural gas. Adjust the structure of raw materials, control the use of coal for new raw materials, expand the import sources of hydrogen-rich raw materials , and promote the lightening of petrochemical and chemical raw materials. Optimize the product structure, promote the coordinated development of petrochemical chemicals and coal mining, metallurgy, building materials, chemical fiber and other industries, and strengthen the efficient utilization of by-product gases such as refinery dry gas and liquefied gas. Encourage enterprises to upgrade and transform energy-saving, and promote the cascade utilization of energy and the recycling of materials. By 2025, the primary processing capacity of domestic crude oil will be controlled within 1 billion tons, and the capacity utilization rate of main products will be increased to more than 80%.

6. Resolutely curb the blind development of "two high" projects. Take strong measures to implement list management, classified disposal and dynamic monitoring of "two high" projects. Comprehensively investigate the projects under construction , and if the energy efficiency level is lower than the access value of the energy consumption limit of the industry, stop work for rectification according to relevant regulations, promote the energy efficiency level to be improved, and strive to reach the domestic and international advanced level in an all-round way. Scientifically evaluate the proposed projects, and reduce production capacity in accordance with the principle of "reduction and substitution" for industries with saturated production capacity; for industries that have not yet saturated production capacity, in accordance with the requirements of national layout and approval and filing, and raise the entry threshold against the international advanced level; For emerging industries with large energy consumption, support and guide enterprises to apply green and low-carbon technologies to improve energy efficiency. Deeply tap potential existing projects, accelerate the elimination of outdated production capacity, and tap the potential of energy conservation and emission reduction through renovation and upgrading. Strengthen normalized supervision, and resolutely win the "two high" projects that do not meet the requirements.

(4) Carbon peaking action in urban and rural construction.

To accelerate the green and low-carbon development of urban and rural construction, urban renewal and rural revitalization must implement green and low-carbon requirements.

1. Promote green and low-carbon transformation of urban and rural construction. Promote the urban group development, scientifically determine the construction scale, and control the excessive growth of new construction land. Advocate green and low-carbon planning and design concepts, enhance urban and rural climate resilience, and build sponge cities. Promote green and low-carbon building materials and green construction methods, accelerate the industrialization of new buildings, vigorously develop prefabricated buildings, promote steel structure housing, promote the recycling of building materials, and strengthen green design and green construction management. Strengthen the green and low-carbon construction of county towns. Promote the establishment of a green and low-carbon-oriented urban and rural planning and construction management mechanism, formulate building demolition management methods, and prevent large-scale demolition and construction. Build green towns and green communities.

2. Accelerate the improvement of building energy efficiency. Accelerate the updating of standards for building energy conservation and municipal infrastructure, and raise the requirements for energy conservation and carbon reduction . Strengthen the research and development and promotion of energy-saving and low-carbon technologies suitable for different climate zones and different building types, and promote the large-scale development of ultra-low energy consumption buildings and low-carbon buildings. Accelerate the energy-saving renovation of residential buildings and public buildings, and continue to promote energy-saving and carbon-reducing renovation of municipal infrastructure such as old heating pipe networks . Improve the intelligent level of urban building and infrastructure operation and management, accelerate the promotion of heat metering and charging and contract energy management, and gradually carry out the management of energy consumption limits for public buildings. By 2025, new urban buildings will fully implement green building standards.

3. Speed up the optimization of building energy structure. Deepen the application of renewable energy in buildings, and promote the integrated application of photovoltaic power generation and buildings. Actively promote clean heating in severe and cold regions, promote cogeneration of central heating, accelerate the large-scale application of industrial waste heat heating, actively and steadily carry out nuclear energy heating demonstrations, and implement clean and low-carbon heating such as heat pumps, biomass energy, geothermal energy, and solar energy according to local conditions. Guide scientific heating in areas with hot summers and cold winters , and adopt clean and efficient heating methods according to local conditions. Improve the electrification level of building terminals, and build "photovoltaic storage, direct and flexible" buildings that integrate photovoltaic power generation, energy storage, DC power distribution, and flexible power consumption. By 2025, the renewable energy replacement rate of urban buildings will reach 8%, and the roof photovoltaic coverage rate of new public institutions and new factory buildings will reach 50%.

4. Promote rural construction and low-carbon transformation of energy use. Promote the construction of green farm houses and speed up the energy-saving renovation of farm houses. Continue to promote clean heating in rural areas, and choose suitable heating methods according to local conditions. Develop energy-saving and low-carbon agricultural greenhouses. Promote energy-saving and environmentally friendly stoves, electric agricultural vehicles, energy-saving and environmentally friendly agricultural machinery and fishing boats. Accelerate the application of renewable energy such as biomass and solar energy in agricultural production and rural life. Strengthen the construction of rural power grids and improve the level of rural energy electrification.

(5) Green and low-carbon actions in transportation.

Accelerate the formation of green and low-carbon transportation methods to ensure that the growth of carbon emissions in the transportation sector remains within a reasonable range.

1. Promote the low-carbon transformation of transportation tools and equipment. Actively expand the application of new and clean energy such as electricity, hydrogen energy, natural gas, and advanced biological liquid fuels in the field of transportation. Vigorously promote new energy vehicles, gradually reduce the proportion of traditional fuel vehicles in new car production and sales and car ownership, promote the electrification of urban public service vehicles, and promote electric, hydrogen fuel, and liquefied natural gas-powered heavy-duty freight vehicles. Elevate the electrification level of the railway system. Speed up the renovation of old ships, develop electric and liquefied natural gas-powered ships, further promote the use of shore power by ships at ports, and carry out demonstration applications of coastal and inland water green smart ships according to local conditions. Improve the level of electrification and intelligence in airport operations and develop new energy aircraft. By 2030, the proportion of vehicles powered by new energy and clean energy will reach about 40% in that year, the carbon emission intensity of operating vehicles converted from unit turnover will drop by about 9.5% compared with 2020, and the comprehensive energy consumption ratio of national railways will be converted from unit turnover. A 10% drop in 2020. Oil consumption by land transport aims to peak by 2030.

2. Build a green and efficient transportation system. Develop intelligent transportation, promote the rational division of labor and effective connection between different transportation modes, and reduce the empty load rate and unreasonable passenger and freight turnover. Vigorously develop multimodal transport with railways and waterways as the backbone, promote the construction of special railway lines for industrial and mining enterprises, ports, and logistics parks, speed up the construction of high-grade waterway networks in inland rivers, and speed up the transportation of bulk cargo and medium and long-distance goods. "Revolving Water". Accelerate the application of advanced and applicable technologies, improve the efficiency of civil aviation operation and management, guide aviation enterprises to strengthen smart operations, and achieve systematic energy conservation and carbon reduction. Accelerate the construction of urban and rural logistics distribution systems, and innovate green, low-carbon, intensive and efficient distribution models. Create an efficient, fast and comfortable public transportation service system, and actively guide the public to choose green and low-carbon transportation methods. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the volume of containerized iron and water combined transportation increased by more than 15% annually. By 2030, the proportion of green travel in cities with a permanent population of more than 1 million will not be less than 70%.

3. Speed up the construction of green transportation infrastructure. The green and low-carbon concept is applied throughout the entire process of transportation infrastructure planning, construction, operation and maintenance to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions throughout the life cycle . Carry out green upgrading and transformation of transportation infrastructure, make overall use of resources such as comprehensive transportation channel lines, land, and airspace, increase the integration of coastlines, anchorages and other resources, and improve utilization efficiency. Orderly promote the construction of infrastructure such as charging piles, supporting power grids, refueling (gas) stations, and hydrogen refueling stations, and improve the level of urban public transportation infrastructure. By 2030, the vehicles and equipment in civil transport airports will strive to be fully electrified.

(6) Circular economy contributes to carbon reduction actions .

Seize the source of resource utilization, vigorously develop circular economy, comprehensively improve resource utilization efficiency, and give full play to the synergistic effect of reducing resource consumption and carbon reduction .

1. Promote the circular development of industrial parks. With the goal of improving resource output rate and recycling utilization rate, optimize the space layout of the park and carry out the circular transformation of the park. Promote circular production and industrial circular combination of enterprises in the park, organize enterprises to implement cleaner production transformation, promote comprehensive utilization of waste, cascade utilization of energy, and recycling of water resources, promote the utilization of industrial residual pressure and waste heat, waste gas, waste liquid, and waste residue, and actively promote centralized utilization. Air heating. Build a sharing platform for infrastructure and public services, and strengthen the management of material flow in the park. By 2030, all key industrial parks above the provincial level will implement circular transformation.

2. Strengthen the comprehensive utilization of bulk solid waste . Improve the comprehensive development and utilization level and comprehensive utilization rate of mineral resources, focus on bulk solid wastes such as coal gangue, fly ash, tailings, co-associated ore, smelting slag, industrial by-product gypsum, construction waste, crop straw, etc. Quantitative, large-scale, and high-value utilization, and encouraged to be used to replace primary non-metallic ores, sand and gravel and other resources. Under the premise of ensuring safety and environmental protection, explore the application of phosphogypsum in soil improvement, underground filling, roadbed construction, etc. Promote the recycling of construction waste and promote the in-situ recycling of waste pavement materials. Accelerate the high-value utilization of straw, improve the collection, storage and transportation system, and strictly prohibit burning . Accelerate the demonstration construction of comprehensive utilization of bulk solid waste . By 2025, the annual utilization of bulk solid waste will reach about 4 billion tons; by 2030, the annual utilization will reach about 4.5 billion tons.

3. Improve the resource recycling system. Improve the recycling network of waste and used materials, implement the "Internet +" recycling model, and realize the collection of renewable resources. Strengthen the standardized management of the comprehensive utilization of renewable resources, and promote the development of industrial agglomeration. Build a modern "urban mineral" base at a high level, and promote the standardized, large-scale and clean utilization of renewable resources. Promote the recycling of waste from emerging industries such as retired power batteries, photovoltaic modules, and wind turbine blades. Promote the high-quality development of remanufacturing industries such as auto parts, construction machinery, and office equipment . Strengthen the promotion and application of resource regeneration products and remanufactured products. By 2025, the recycling volume of nine major renewable resources, including scrap iron and steel, scrap copper, scrap aluminum, scrap lead, scrap zinc, scrap paper, scrap plastic, scrap rubber, and scrap glass, will reach 450 million tons, and reach 510 million by 2030. Ton.

4. Vigorously promote the reduction and recycling of domestic waste. Solidly promote the classification of domestic waste, accelerate the establishment of a system of collection, transportation and disposal of domestic waste that covers the whole society, and fully realize classified release, classified collection, classified transportation, and classified treatment. Strengthen the management of the whole chain of plastic pollution , rectify excessive packaging, and promote the reduction of domestic waste at the source. Promote the incineration of domestic waste, reduce the proportion of landfill, and explore resource utilization technologies suitable for the characteristics of kitchen waste in China. Promote the utilization of sewage resources. By 2025, the urban domestic waste classification system will be basically sound, and the proportion of domestic waste recycling will increase to about 60%. By 2030, the classification of urban domestic waste will be fully covered, and the utilization ratio of domestic waste will be increased to 65%.

(7) Green and low-carbon technological innovation actions.

Give full play to the supporting and leading role of scientific and technological innovation, improve the system and mechanism of scientific and technological innovation, strengthen innovation capabilities, and accelerate the green and low-carbon scientific and technological revolution.

1. Improve the innovation system and mechanism. Formulate an action plan to support carbon peaking and carbon neutrality with science and technology, set up key special projects such as research and demonstration of key technologies for carbon peaking and carbon neutralization in the national key R&D plan, and adopt the mechanism of “revealing the list and taking command” to carry out low-carbon, zero-carbon and negative-carbon key projects. Core technology research. Incorporate green and low-carbon technological innovation achievements into relevant performance assessments of colleges and universities, scientific research units, and state-owned enterprises. Strengthen the main role of enterprises in innovation, support enterprises to undertake major national green and low-carbon science and technology projects, and encourage the open sharing of resources such as facilities and data. Promote the construction of a national green technology trading center and accelerate the transformation of innovation achievements. Strengthen the protection of green and low-carbon technologies and product intellectual property rights. Improve green and low-carbon technologies and product testing, evaluation and certification systems.

2. Strengthen innovation capacity building and personnel training. Establish carbon peak carbon neutralization related national laboratories, national key laboratories and national technology innovation centers, moderately advance the layout of major national science and technology infrastructure, and guide enterprises, institutions of higher learning, and scientific research units to jointly build a number of national green and low-carbon industry innovation centers . Innovate the talent training model, encourage colleges and universities to speed up the development of new energy, energy storage, hydrogen energy, carbon emission reduction , carbon sink, carbon emission trading and other disciplines and personnel training, and build a number of future technical colleges and modern industry colleges in green and low-carbon fields and Exemplary Energy Academy. Deepen the integration of industry and education, encourage schools and enterprises to jointly carry out industry-university cooperation and collaborative education projects, form a carbon peak carbon neutralization industry-education integration development alliance, and build a number of national energy storage technology industry-education integration innovation platforms.

3. Strengthen applied basic research. Implement a number of forward-looking and strategic national major cutting-edge science and technology projects, and promote breakthroughs in the research and development of low-carbon, zero-carbon and negative-carbon technology and equipment. Focus on green and intelligent development and clean and low-carbon utilization of fossil energy, large-scale utilization of renewable energy, new power systems, energy conservation, hydrogen energy, energy storage, power batteries, carbon dioxide capture, utilization and storage, etc., and deepen applied basic research . Actively research and develop advanced nuclear power technologies, and strengthen research on cutting-edge disruptive technologies such as controllable nuclear fusion.

4. Accelerate the research and development, promotion and application of advanced and applicable technologies. Concentrate on technological innovations such as safe and stable operation and control of complex and large power grids, large-capacity wind power, high-efficiency photovoltaics, high-power LNG engines, large-capacity energy storage, low-cost renewable energy hydrogen production, and low-cost carbon dioxide capture, utilization and storage, etc. Accelerate the research and development of basic materials such as carbon fiber, aerogel, and special steel, and make up for shortcomings in key components, components, and software. Promote advanced and mature green and low-carbon technologies and carry out demonstration applications. Build a full-process, integrated and large-scale carbon dioxide capture, utilization and storage demonstration project. Promote the demonstration application of molten salt energy storage for heating and power generation. Accelerate the research and development and demonstration application of hydrogen energy technology, and explore large-scale applications in industry, transportation, construction and other fields.

(8) Actions to consolidate and enhance carbon sink capacity .

Adhere to the system concept, promote the integrated protection and restoration of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand, improve the quality and stability of the ecosystem, and increase the increase in the carbon sink of the ecosystem .

1. Consolidate carbon sequestration in ecosystems . Combined with the preparation and implementation of territorial spatial planning, build a territorial space development and protection pattern that is conducive to carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. Strictly abide by the red line of ecological protection, strictly control the occupation of ecological space, establish a natural reserve system with national parks as the main body, and stabilize the carbon sequestration of existing forests, grasslands, wetlands, oceans, soil, permafrost, and karst . Strictly implement land use standards, strengthen the evaluation of economical and intensive land use, and promote land-saving technologies and models.

2. Improve the carbon sink capacity of the ecosystem . Implement major ecological protection and restoration projects. Deeply promote large-scale land greening actions, consolidate the achievements of returning farmland to forests and grasslands, and expand the total amount of forest and grass resources. Strengthen the protection of forest resources, implement the project to accurately improve the quality of forests, and improve the quality and stability of forests. Strengthen grassland ecological protection and restoration, and improve grassland comprehensive vegetation coverage. Strengthen the protection and restoration of rivers, lakes and wetlands. Promote the protection and restoration of marine ecosystems as a whole , and enhance the carbon sequestration capacity of mangroves, seagrass beds, and salt marshes . Strengthen the restoration and management of degraded land, carry out comprehensive management of desertification, rocky desertification, and soil erosion, and implement ecological restoration projects for historical mines. By 2030, the national forest coverage rate will reach about 25%, and the forest stock volume will reach 19 billion cubic meters.

3. Strengthen the basic support of ecosystem carbon sinks . Relying on and expanding the natural resource survey and monitoring system, making good use of the national comprehensive monitoring and evaluation results of forest and grass ecology, establishing an ecosystem carbon sink monitoring and accounting system, and conducting background surveys on carbon sinks in forests, grasslands, wetlands, oceans, soil, permafrost, and karst , carbon storage assessment, potential analysis, and implementation of ecological protection and restoration carbon sink effectiveness monitoring and assessment. Strengthen the research on basic theories, basic methods, and cutting-edge disruptive technologies of carbon sinks in terrestrial and marine ecosystems . Establish and improve an ecological protection compensation mechanism that can reflect the value of carbon sinks, and study and formulate relevant rules for carbon sink projects to participate in national carbon emissions trading.

4. Promote agricultural and rural emission reduction and carbon sequestration . Vigorously develop green and low-carbon circular agriculture, and promote low-carbon agricultural models such as agriculture and solar complementation , "photovoltaic + facility agriculture", and "offshore wind power + marine pasture". Research, develop and apply foreign exchange-enhancing agricultural technologies. Carry out actions to improve the quality of cultivated land, implement the national black land protection project, and increase soil organic carbon storage. Reasonably control the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and plastic film, implement plans to reduce and replace chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and strengthen the comprehensive utilization of crop straws and livestock and poultry manure resources.

(9) Green and low-carbon national action.

Enhance national awareness of conservation, environmental protection, and ecology, advocate a simple, moderate, green, low-carbon, civilized and healthy lifestyle, and transform green concepts into conscious actions of all people.

1. Strengthen the publicity and education of ecological civilization. Incorporate ecological civilization education into the national education system, carry out various forms of education on resources and environment and national conditions , and popularize basic knowledge of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. Strengthen the popular science education of ecological civilization for the public, organically integrate the green and low-carbon concept into literary and artistic works, produce cultural and creative products and public service advertisements, and continue to carry out theme publicity activities such as World Earth Day, World Environment Day, National Energy Conservation Publicity Week, and National Low-Carbon Day. , enhance the public awareness of green and low-carbon, and promote the concept of ecological civilization to be more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

2. Promote green and low-carbon lifestyles. Resolutely curb extravagance, waste and unreasonable consumption, strive to break the habit of extravagance and extravagance, and resolutely stop food waste. Advocate energy conservation in the whole society, carry out demonstration and creation of green and low-carbon social actions, further promote the creation of green life actions, select and publicize a number of excellent demonstration models, and create a new trend of green and low-carbon life. Vigorously develop green consumption, promote green and low-carbon products, and improve the green product certification and labeling system. Increase the proportion of green products in government procurement.

3. Guide enterprises to fulfill their social responsibilities. Guide enterprises to actively adapt to the requirements of green and low-carbon development, strengthen environmental responsibility awareness, strengthen energy and resource conservation, and improve the level of green innovation. State-owned enterprises in key areas, especially central enterprises, should formulate and implement corporate carbon peaking action plans and play an exemplary and leading role. Key energy-consuming units should sort out and account for their own carbon emissions, conduct in-depth research on carbon emission reduction paths, and formulate special work plans for “ one enterprise , one policy” to promote energy conservation and carbon reduction. Relevant listed companies and bond-issuing companies must regularly publish corporate carbon emissions information in accordance with the legal disclosure requirements for environmental information. Give full play to the role of industry associations and other social groups, and urge enterprises to consciously fulfill their social responsibilities.

4. Strengthen the training of leading cadres. Taking the study and implementation of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought as an important part of cadre education and training, party schools (administrative colleges) at all levels should include carbon peaking and carbon neutrality in their teaching plans, and conduct training for leading cadres at all levels in stages and at multiple levels , popularize scientific knowledge, publicize key points of policies, strengthen the awareness of the rule of law, and deepen the understanding of leading cadres at all levels on the importance, urgency, scientificity and systematicness of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality work. Leading cadres engaged in work related to green and low-carbon development should improve their professional quality and business capabilities as soon as possible, and effectively enhance their ability to promote green and low-carbon development.

(10)Orderly carbon peaking actions in various regions .

Each region should accurately grasp its own development orientation, combine the actual economic and social development and resource and environmental endowments of the region, adhere to classified policies, adapt measures to local conditions, and link up and down, and promote carbon peaking in an orderly manner .

1. Scientifically and rationally determine the goal of reaching the peak in an orderly manner . Areas where carbon emissions have basically stabilized should consolidate the results of emission reduction and further reduce carbon emissions on the basis of taking the lead in achieving carbon peaking . Regions with lighter industrial structures and better energy structures should adhere to green and low-carbon development, resolutely refrain from relying on the "two high" projects to drive economic growth, and strive to be the first to achieve carbon peaking . Regions with a heavy industrial structure and a coal -based energy structure and resource-based regions should put energy conservation and carbon reduction in a prominent position, vigorously optimize and adjust the industrial structure and energy structure, and gradually realize the decoupling of carbon emission growth and economic growth, and strive to achieve carbon emission reduction at the same time as the whole country . peak .

2. Promote green and low-carbon development according to local conditions. All regions should combine major regional strategies, regional coordinated development strategies and main functional area strategies to promote the green and low-carbon development of their regions from the actual situation. Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and other regions should play the role of high-quality development power source and growth pole, and take the lead in promoting the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development. The Yangtze River Economic Belt, the Yellow River Basin and the National Ecological Civilization Pilot Zone must strictly implement the ecological priority and green development strategy, and take the lead in the country in terms of green and low-carbon development. The central, western and northeastern regions should focus on optimizing the energy structure, and in accordance with the requirements of industrial policies and dual control of energy consumption, orderly promote the concentration of high-energy-consuming industries in areas with advantages in clean energy, and actively cultivate green development momentum.

3. Coordinate up and down to formulate local peaking plans. The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall, in accordance with the overall national deployment, take into account the resource and environmental endowments, industrial layout, development stage, etc. of their regions, adhere to the national game of chess, and not rush to the ground, scientifically formulate local carbon peaking action plans, and put forward practical and practical action plans. Feasible carbon peak timetable , roadmap, and construction drawing to avoid "one-size-fits-all" power curtailment or campaign-style "carbon reduction". After the carbon peaking action plan of each region has been comprehensively balanced, reviewed and approved by the carbon peaking and carbon neutralization work leading group, the local governments will issue their own implementation.

4. Organize and carry out the pilot construction of carbon peaking. Increase the central government's support for local governments to promote carbon peaking , select 100 typical cities and parks to carry out carbon peaking pilot construction, and provide support for pilot cities and parks in terms of policies, funds, technology, etc., to accelerate the realization of green Low-carbon transformation, providing the country with operational, replicable, and scalable experience and practices.

4. International Cooperation

(1) Deeply participate in global climate governance. Vigorously publicize Xi Jinping's thought on ecological civilization, share China's ecological civilization and green development concepts and practical experience, contribute Chinese wisdom, Chinese solutions, and Chinese strength to building a clean and beautiful world, and jointly build a community of life between man and nature. Actively participate in the construction of the global green governance system, adhere to the principles of common but differentiated responsibilities, fairness and respective capabilities, adhere to multilateralism, maintain the international system with the United Nations at its core, and promote all parties to fully implement the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Paris Agreement. Actively participate in international shipping and aviation emission reduction negotiations.

(2) To carry out green trade, technology and financial cooperation. Optimize the trade structure and vigorously develop high-quality, high-tech, high-value-added green product trade. Strengthen international cooperation on green standards, promote the implementation of conformity assessment cooperation and mutual recognition mechanisms, and do a good job in linking green trade rules with import and export policies. Strengthen the import and export of energy-saving and environmentally friendly products and services. Increase green technology cooperation, promote scientific research cooperation and technical exchanges in the fields of renewable energy, energy storage, hydrogen energy, and carbon dioxide capture, utilization and storage, and actively participate in major international scientific projects such as the International Thermonuclear Fusion Experimental Reactor Program . Deepen international cooperation in green finance, actively participate in the international macro-coordination of carbon pricing mechanism and green finance standard system, and work with relevant parties to promote green and low-carbon transformation.

(3) Promoting the construction of green “Belt and Road”. Adhering to the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, promote openness, greenness, and integrity The "Belt and Road" energy partnership to expand the export of new energy technologies and products. Give play to the role of cooperation platforms such as the "Belt and Road" Green Development International Alliance, promote the implementation of the "Belt and Road" Green Investment Principles, and advance the "Belt and Road" South-South Cooperation Plan on Climate Change and the "Belt and Road" Science and Technology Innovation Action Plan.

5. Policy Guarantee

(1) Establish a unified and standardized carbon emission statistical accounting system. Strengthen the capacity building of carbon emission statistics and accounting, deepen the research on accounting methods, and speed up the establishment of a unified and standardized carbon emission statistics and accounting system. Support industries and enterprises to carry out research on carbon emission accounting methodologies according to their own characteristics, and establish and improve a carbon emission measurement system. Promote the development of carbon emission measurement technology, accelerate the application of emerging technologies such as remote sensing measurement, big data, and cloud computing in the field of carbon emission measurement technology, and improve the level of statistical accounting. Actively participate in the research of international carbon emission accounting methods, and promote the establishment of a more fair and reasonable carbon emission accounting method system.

(2) Improve laws, regulations and standards. Build a legal system conducive to green and low-carbon development, and promote the formulation and revision of the Energy Law, Energy Conservation Law, Electricity Law, Coal Law, Renewable Energy Law, Circular Economy Promotion Law, and Cleaner Production Promotion Law. Accelerate the update of energy conservation standards, revise a number of energy consumption quotas, mandatory national standards for energy efficiency of products and equipment, and engineering construction standards, and improve energy conservation and carbon reduction requirements . Improve the renewable energy standard system, and speed up the formulation and revision of standards in related fields. Establish and improve standards for hydrogen production, storage, transmission and use. Improve the industrial green and low-carbon standard system. Establish carbon emission accounting, reporting, and verification standards for key enterprises, and explore the establishment of carbon footprint standards for the entire life cycle of key products. Actively participate in the formulation and revision of international standards for energy efficiency and low carbon, and strengthen the coordination of international standards.

(3) Improve economic policies. People's governments at all levels should increase their support for carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. Establish and improve a tax policy system that is conducive to green and low-carbon development, implement and improve preferential tax policies such as energy conservation and water conservation, and comprehensive utilization of resources, and give better play to the role of taxation in promoting the green and low-carbon development of market entities. Improve the green electricity price policy, improve the residents' tiered electricity price system and time-of-use electricity price policy, and explore the establishment of a dynamic adjustment mechanism for time-of-use electricity prices. Improve the green finance evaluation mechanism and establish a sound green finance standard system. Vigorously develop financial instruments such as green loans, green equity, green bonds, green insurance, and green funds, establish carbon emission reduction support tools, guide financial institutions to provide long-term, low-cost funds for green and low-carbon projects, and encourage developmental policy financial institutions Provide long-term stable financing support for Carbon Peak Action in accordance with the principle of marketization and rule of law . Expand the depth and breadth of the green bond market, and support eligible green companies for listing financing, listing financing and refinancing. Research and establish a national low-carbon transformation fund to support the green transformation of traditional industries and resource-rich areas. Encourage social capital to set up green and low-carbon industry investment funds in a market-oriented manner.

(4) Establish and improve the market-oriented mechanism. Give full play to the role of the national carbon emission trading market, further improve the supporting system, and gradually expand the scope of the trading industry. Build a national energy use rights trading market, improve the paid use and trading system for energy use rights, and do a good job in linking with the energy consumption dual control system. Coordinate and promote the market construction of carbon emission rights, energy use rights, and electricity trading, strengthen the connection and coordination between market mechanisms, and incorporate carbon emission rights and energy use rights transactions into the public resource trading platform. Actively implement contract energy management, and promote the "one-stop" comprehensive service model of energy conservation consulting, diagnosis, design, financing, renovation, and trusteeship.

6. Organization and implementation

(1) Strengthen overall coordination. Strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee on carbon peaking and carbon neutralization. The carbon peaking and carbon neutralization work leading group will make overall deployment and systematic promotion of carbon peaking related work, coordinate research on important matters, and formulate major policies. The member units of the Carbon Neutralization Leading Group of Carbon Dafeng shall steadily advance relevant work in accordance with the decision-making arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and the work requirements of the leading group. The office of the carbon neutralization work leading group should strengthen overall coordination, regularly schedule the progress of work in various regions, key areas and key industries, scientifically propose a step-by-step schedule and roadmap for carbon peaking , and urge the implementation of various goals. Tasks are implemented in detail.

(2) Strengthen the implementation of responsibilities. Relevant departments in all regions should have a deep understanding of the importance, urgency and complexity of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, and earnestly shoulder their responsibilities. The Opinions on Neutralization Work" and the main goals and key tasks determined in this plan, focus on the implementation of various tasks, ensure that policies are in place, measures are in place, and results are in place, and the implementation is included in the central and provincial-level ecological and environmental protection inspectors. All relevant units, people's organizations, and social organizations should actively play their roles in accordance with relevant national deployments to promote green and low-carbon development.

(3) Strictly supervise and evaluate. Implement a system based on carbon intensity control and supplemented by total carbon emission control, implement coordinated management, coordinated decomposition, and coordinated assessment of energy consumption and carbon emission indicators, and gradually establish a systematic and complete carbon peak carbon neutral comprehensive evaluation and assessment system . Strengthen the application of supervision and assessment results, commend and reward regions, units and individuals with outstanding achievements in carbon peaking work according to regulations, and implement circular criticism and interview accountability for regions and departments that have not completed their goals and tasks in accordance with regulations and laws. The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall organize and carry out annual assessments of carbon peaking goals and tasks, and relevant work progress and major issues shall be reported to the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality leading group in a timely manner.
