Several Policies and Measures for Expanding Effective Investment & Stabilizing Economic Development


Several Policies and Measures for Expanding Effective Investment Stabilizing Economic Development

According to the Shanghai Municipal People's Government on January 18, the General Office of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government forwarded the "Several Policies and Measures for Expanding Effective Investment and Stabilizing Economic Development in Shanghai in 2022" formulated by the Municipal Development and Reform Commission. The "Measures" propose to speed up the construction of major projects, carry out infrastructure investment in a moderately advanced level, comprehensively promote the digital transformation of cities, and create new space for urban development to make every effort to promote Pudong New Area to build a leading area for modernization, and build a high standard Lingang New Area of the Free Trade Zone.

The full text is as follows

Several policy measures for Shanghai to expand effective investment to stabilize economic development in 2022

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference and the Municipal Party Committee Economic Work Conference, actively expand effective investment, create a better investment environment, and provide strong support for stabilizing the fundamentals of economic development, the following policy measures are proposed.

1. Speed up the construction of major projects

(1) Fully implement the annual investment target of major projects. The preliminary plan for investment in major construction projects in Shanghai in 2022 has been pre arranged, with an investment of more than 200 billion yuan planned to be completed. Refine the investment plan on a monthly basis, pay close attention to the progress of the project, and guarantee the monthly and quarterly annual guarantees, so as to give full play to the supporting and leading role of major projects in expanding effective investment.

(2) Speed up the construction progress of projects under construction. Relying on the special class for major project promotion, establish and improve the "precision docking" service mechanism, form a project centered work chain, and timely coordinate the difficulties and blocking problems in the project construction process. Make a plan for resumption of work after the holiday in advance, optimize the construction organization, maintain the construction intensity, and form more physical workload.

(3) Increase the coordination of planned new projects. Optimize the approval procedures for specific government investment projects. For government investment projects included in the relevant development plans, special plans and regional plans of the "14th Five Year Plan", project proposals can no longer be approved; Small projects with simple technical solutions can be combined to prepare and approve project proposals, feasibility study reports and preliminary designs. In the field of housing construction, the reform of the combined examination and approval of feasibility study and preliminary design will be implemented in an all round way, and the examination and approval procedure of some node projects in the field of urban infrastructure will continue to be piloted and optimized from three stages (project proposal, feasibility study report, and preliminary design) to a two stage reform. According to the actual situation of the municipal linear engineering construction project, on the basis of the stability of the overall plan, the land supply in stages (sections) and the issuance of planning land licenses in stages (sections) can be adopted to promote the early start of construction of major projects.

(4) Carry out infrastructure investment moderately ahead of schedule. In the field of transportation infrastructure, the Yangtze River Delta will jointly build a shipping hub that radiates around the world, and accelerate the development of the Xiaoyangshan North Operation Area of Shanghai Yangshan Deepwater Port, the east extension of the Dalu Line, and the fourth phase expansion project of Pudong International Airport. In the field of environmental infrastructure, comprehensively improve the quality of the ecological environment and defense capabilities, and actively promote the project to improve the flood control capacity of the embankments in the middle and upper reaches of the Huangpu River, the remediation project for the backbone of the South Discharge Channel in Punan East, and the upgrading and expansion of sewage treatment plants in the three major areas of the central urban area. Construction of regional transportation pipeline network, and improvement of household waste classification and disposal system. In the field of new infrastructure, focus on new networks, new facilities, new platforms, and new terminals, accelerate the expansion of 5G applications, and deploy industrial Internet clusters.

(5) Increase the reserve of key projects. Strengthen the planning and demonstration of major projects, and deepen the research on special planning and construction plans for major projects. Relying on the“14th Five Year Plan” key project database, the local government special debt project reserve bank, and the infrastructure real estate investment trust fund (REITs) project reserve bank, the quality of the project reserve will be continuously improved, dynamically adjusted and updated, and implemented in an orderly and rolling manner. The municipal construction financial resources arrange special research funds, and do in depth, detailed and solid preliminary engineering of major projects.

2. Strengthen the guarantee of project capital elements

(6) Strengthen the guarantee of government financial resources and funds. Coordinate and dispatch municipal and district government budgets to ensure construction funds for government invested projects. The 2022 municipal construction financial resources, land transfer funds, public transport special support funds, urban infrastructure supporting fees and other government special fund investment plans are issued in advance. Among them, the municipal construction financial resources will be issued before the end of January in 2022. The first municipal construction financial resources In the first half of the year, the city level construction financial investment plan for all projects under construction was issued in advance.

(7) Speed up the issuance and use of special government bonds. Ensure that the issuance of local government special bonds in 2022 issued by the Ministry of Finance in advance is completed in the first quarter, and timely disburse to project units according to the progress; strive to complete the issuance of all local government special bonds in the first half of the year. Strengthen the monitoring and scheduling of issued projects, and speed up the progress of project construction and capital use.

(8) Increase the precise supply of investment policies. Effectively strengthen the traction role of government investment and actively attract investment from the whole society. Accelerate the implementation of the “14th Five Year Plan” key infrastructure city to district support policy, the new city land transfer income support policy, and the 20 policy effects of Shanghai’s real estate investment trusts (REITs) in the infrastructure sector, and promote the rail transit construction, operation, and investment and financing policy system , The “14th Five Year Plan”policy to support basic pension institutions has been implemented; the“14th Five Year Plan”subsidy policy for the construction of wet waste recycling facilities, a support policy for the construction of key greening projects, and a support policy for the construction of initial rainwater storage projects have been introduced and implemented. Promote the pilot work of REITs for affordable rental housing.

(9) Strengthen the overall planning and balance of resource factor indicators. Fully support the supply and guarantee of resource elements for construction projects, and strengthen the overall allocation of six resource element indicators for major municipal projects involving land, water area, green space, forest land, project waste disposal, and housing acquisition and resettlement. Establish a new mechanism for the coordinated use of resource indicators by improving the depth of preliminary work, simplifying procedures, optimizing processes, and processing within a limited time.

3. Stimulate social investment momentum

(10) Comprehensively promote the digital transformation of cities. Support policy banks, development financial institutions, and commercial banks to establish special “new infrastructure” preferential interest rate credit projects with a scale of more than 100 billion yuan, promote the implementation of the policy of discount interest rates for new infrastructure construction projects, and appropriately extend the policy implementation period to guide social capital to increase Investment in "new infrastructure". Accelerate the deployment and implementation of a number of major new infrastructure demonstration projects in the fields of hospitals, smart factories, and intelligent transportation in the future, and step up research and deployment of future virtual world and real social interaction platforms. Make overall use of the city's industrial and informatization energy consumption indicators, and strengthen the guarantee of green data center indicators.

(11) Develop and expand the energy level of emerging industries. Make good use of Shanghai's integrated circuit industry and software industry support policies in the new era, and implement special preferential policies for integrated circuit and artificial intelligence related credit. Market oriented financing guarantee institutions shall be encouraged to provide financing guarantee services for integrated circuit equipment and materials enterprises, and certain subsidies shall be given to qualified guarantee fees. Deeply promote the implementation plan for the development of the new energy vehicle industry, implement several policies for the development of the fuel cell vehicle industry, promote the planning and construction of the city's hydrogen refueling stations, strengthen the "terminal drive", and continue to promote the development of the new energy vehicle industry. Give full play to the leveraging and guiding role of special funds for technological transformation and venture capital guidance funds, and promote the high quality development of advanced manufacturing industries. Accelerate the implementation of the "Tourism Peak Project" and build and improve a number of tourist resorts. Implement the national plan to improve the dual control system of energy consumption intensity and total amount, and strive to check the energy consumption of the corresponding projects in the energy consumption dual control assessment for relevant national major projects approved by the Party Central Committee and the State Council and put into production during the "14th Five Year Plan". The consumption is reduced or exempted, and new renewable energy and raw material energy consumption are not included in the total energy consumption control.

(12) Accelerate the promotion of energy security and low carbon development. Focusing on the replacement of coal power and other capacity and the transformation of "three reforms and linkage", accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the city's coal power. Focusing on the Shanghai LNG station line expansion project, we will accelerate the improvement of the natural gas production, supply, storage and sales system, and simultaneously build a batch of natural gas peak shaving power sources. Focusing on the construction of a strong and smart grid, accelerate the improvement of urban energy security resilience. A new round of support policies for renewable energy and charging and swapping facilities will be introduced, to promote the comprehensive development of offshore wind power projects in the Hangzhou Bay area, and to speed up the comprehensive development and utilization of "photovoltaic +" in various industries. Formulate and promote the implementation of carbon peak carbon neutral implementation opinions and supporting policies and measures, and actively guide social capital to enter a new green and low carbon track.

(13) Strengthen the management of the whole life cycle of land. Control the transfer of industrial land and improve the standards for industrial land. Comprehensively promote the high quality utilization of industrial land, implement differentiated industrial access standards, encourage mixed utilization of industrial land, coordinate the greening layout of industrial bases and industrial communities, further support the improvement of capacity and efficiency of existing industrial land, optimize the transformation mechanism of existing industrial land, and optimize Full life cycle performance supervision of industrial land. Adhere to the principle of "housing and not speculating", accelerate

urban renewal and renovation of old districts, and raise and build a batch of affordable rental housing. Focus on key industrial areas and along rail transit lines to increase the supply of affordable housing land, give priority to the supply, and separate the land supply plan for affordable rental housing.

4. Create a new space for urban development

(14) Make every effort to promote Pudong New Area to build a leading area for modernization. Implement the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Supporting the High level Reform and Opening up of Pudong New Area to Create a Leading Area for Socialist Modernization, and accelerate the construction of an international financial asset trading platform. Accelerate the agglomeration of key industries, promote major projects, and create world class innovative industrial clusters. Concentrate on the construction of a number of major projects, continue to promote the construction of the Zhangjiang Comprehensive National Science Center and the third phase expansion of the Bailonggang Sewage Treatment Plant, and start the construction of the Pudong comprehensive transportation hub.

(15) Build the Lingang New Area of the Free Trade Zone with high standards. Make good use of the special development funds of the Lingang New Area of the Free Trade Zone, accelerate the construction of an international data port, deploy a number of core carriers and key projects, increase the promotion of major projects such as rail transit and water affairs in the new area, and promote the Nanhui branch line (two port urban railway ), the original water pipe of the Lingang Water Plant, the new construction of the Lema River and the sea gate, and the construction of the SMIC Lingang Base, the COMAC Final Assembly Base, the world's top scientist community, and the Dishui Lake Financial Bay.

(16) Build the Yangtze River Delta Integration Demonstration Zone at a high level. Make good use of the special financial funds for the Yangtze River Delta Integration Demonstration Zone, and increase the construction of key projects for ecological, green and high quality development in the demonstration zone. Promote the construction of the municipal railway demonstration area line, the "water village living room", the Yuandang Dianshan lake shoreline project, accelerate the construction of projects such as the west extension of Rail Transit Line 17 and the west extension of Line 2, and promote a number of landmarks such as Huawei's Qingpu R&D Base Industrial project construction.

(17) High quality construction of the Hongqiao International Open Hub. Focus on the "three major functions" of large transportation, conventions and exhibitions, and large commerce, promote the implementation of "three batches" of policies, platforms and projects, formulate detailed plans for the division of major tasks, build a high standard international central business district, and promote supporting carriers Construction, and accelerate the construction of the development pattern of "one core and two belts". Start the construction of the West Traffic Plaza platform, the Shenchang Road and Shenkun Road penetration project, and the 71 road medium traffic extension project.

(18) Promoting the planning and construction of new towns from a high starting point. City level construction financial resources and city level land transfer fees will increase support to promote the development and construction of new cities. Accelerate the development of major infrastructure and social infrastructure such as the connection of the backbone river channels of the new city, the peripheral pump gates of the district, sewage and sludge treatment facilities, the green ring of the new city, large public green spaces, top three hospitals, medium volume transportation, rail transit, and "one city, one hub". People's livelihood and industrial projects were implemented.

(19) Create a world class waterfront space with "one river and one river". Continue to promote the connection and improvement of the waterfront public spaces of the Huangpu River and Suzhou River. Optimize the riverside development system and mechanism, speed up the development of riverside areas such as the North Bund of Hongkou and the Foreshore of Pudong, and basically complete the opening of the central area along the Suzhou River. Make every effort to create new landmarks for public activities along the coast, support the promotion of urban renewal and functional enhancement of the historic area of the Bund, and actively improve cultural and tourism supporting service facilities such as the Huangpu River and Suzhou River.

(20) Accelerate the development of "North South transformation". Promote the introduction of implementation opinions on the transformation and development of the north and south regions (Baoshan and Jinshan), and formulate and implement relevant action plans. The industrial block implements policies such as mixed land and innovative industrial land, and promotes the mixing of functions such as industry, R&D offices, and pilot production. Support the development and construction of Wusong Innovation City, Nanda Smart City, and Binhai Area. Support the in depth adjustment of the second industrial zone in Jinshan District, and create a demonstration park for the transformation and upgrading of the city's "two to two" transformation. Promote the construction of the second phase of Rail Transit Line 18, the Wusong River Project (Shanghai Section), the expansion of the Taihe Sewage Plant, and the Zhangjing Henan Extension and Remediation Project.

V. Continuously optimize the investment environment

(21) Carry out in depth corporate visits. Carry out large scale enterprise visits throughout the city, adhere to demand oriented, problem oriented, and effect oriented, listen to the opinions of enterprises, comprehensively find problems, establish a work ledger, focus on solving a number of bottleneck problems that affect the development of enterprise investment, and establish a normalized work mechanism to stimulate the vitality of enterprise investment.

(22) Strive to create a high quality market environment. Hold an industry promotion investment conference, aiming at the industry benchmarking enterprises of the "3+6" new industrial system, focusing on introducing major industrial projects with large scale, high energy level and high investment intensity, and coordinating and solving the guarantee factors such as land, energy and environmental capacity of the imported projects and difficulties in the construction process to ensure that major investment projects are started and put into production early.

(23) Optimizing foreign investment services. Give play to the role of the municipal service system for major foreign funded projects, improve the information service system for major foreign funded projects, and improve the efficiency of collaborative services. Through remote promotion, centralized signing, certificate issuance by the headquarters, and one stop foreign investment promotion services, it will attract more high quality foreign investment projects to land. Implement measures such as greatly simplifying the approval materials, comprehensively implementing informative filing, guaranteeing the autonomy of foreign investment, and efficient collaborative management as specified in the "Shanghai Measures for the Administration of the Approval and Filing of Foreign Invested Projects", so as to provide foreign investors with more efficient and efficient project investment in Shanghai. Convenient environment.

(24) Continue to improve the convenience of investment and construction. Relying on the "One stop Service" to deepen the reform of the investment project approval system, improve the functions of the construction project approval management system, and implement the "one form application, one stop acceptance, one stop processing, time limited completion, and completion acceptance" for each approval stage such as project establishment, land use, planning, construction, and completion acceptance. One time certificate". Further expand the application scope of electronic certificates and electronic signatures. Promote the reform of the "land use list system" for social investment projects, proactively provide regional evaluation results and census status during the land transfer stage, and enterprises do not need to provide evaluation reports in the list after acquiring land, so as to speed up project construction. Deepen the pilot implementation of the reform of the commitment system for corporate investment projects in the Lingang New Area. Implement online parallel processing of administrative approvals involved in municipal access projects such as water, electricity and communications, and expand the scope of exempted construction drawings. Deepen the promotion of "multi measurement integration", integrate planning, land, real estate, transportation, greening, civil air defense and other surveying and mapping matters in stages, and optimize the implementation plan for joint acceptance.

If the state has other relevant support policies and measures, Shanghai shall comply with them.

The Municipal Development and Reform Commission shall formulate a list of responsibilities breakdown according to this policy and measure.
