The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting presided by Xi Jinping


Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 29. The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting on April 29 to analyze and study the current economic situation and economic work, and review the "National Talent Development Plan during the 14th Five-Year Plan". Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting.

The meeting held that since the beginning of this year, in the face of the complex situation of a century of changes and the overlapping of the epidemic in the century, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, all regions and departments have effectively coordinated epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development. It achieved a smooth start and successfully held the Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics. Achievements don't come easily.

The meeting pointed out that the new crown pneumonia epidemic and the Ukraine crisis have led to increased risks and challenges, and the complexity, severity and uncertainty of my country's economic development environment have increased, and stable growth, employment, and prices are facing new challenges. It is very important to do a good job of economic work and to ensure and improve people's livelihood. It is necessary to strengthen confidence, overcome difficulties, and ensure that the major policies and principles of the Party Central Committee are implemented in place.

The meeting emphasized that the epidemic must be prevented, the economy must be stabilized, and development must be safe, which is a clear requirement of the Party Central Committee. According to the new characteristics of virus mutation and spread, it is necessary to efficiently coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, unswervingly adhere to the principle of people first and life first, adhere to external defense against import, internal defense against rebound, adhere to dynamic clearing, and protect people's lives to the greatest extent. and health, and minimize the impact of the epidemic on economic and social development.

The meeting called for intensifying the adjustment of macro policies, solidly stabilizing the economy, striving to achieve the expected goals of economic and social development throughout the year, and keeping the economy operating within a reasonable range. It is necessary to speed up the implementation of the established policies, implement policies such as tax rebates, tax reductions and fee reductions, and make good use of various monetary policy tools. It is necessary to quickly plan incremental policy tools, increase the intensity of camera control, and grasp the advance and redundancy of policy-oriented policies. It is necessary to fully expand domestic demand, play the key role of effective investment, strengthen land, energy, environmental assessment and other guarantees, and comprehensively strengthen infrastructure construction. It is necessary to give full play to the leading role of consumption in the economic cycle. It is necessary to stabilize market players and implement a package of relief and assistance policies for industries, small, medium and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households that have been severely affected by the epidemic. It is necessary to do a good job in ensuring the supply of energy resources and stabilizing prices, and do a good job in preparing for spring ploughing. It is necessary to effectively guarantee and improve people's livelihood, stabilize and expand employment, organize the supply of important commodities for people's livelihood, ensure the operation of the core functions of the city, stabilize and control the safety production situation, and maintain the overall social stability. It is necessary to adhere to a national game of chess to ensure smooth transportation and logistics, and to ensure the normal operation of key industrial chain supply chains, anti-epidemic and supply chains, and key infrastructure.

The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to effectively manage and control key risks and keep the bottom line of no systemic risks. It is necessary to adhere to the positioning that houses are for living in, not for speculation, support localities to improve real estate policies based on local conditions, support rigid and improved housing needs, optimize the supervision of pre-sale funds for commercial housing, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. It is necessary to respond to market concerns in a timely manner, steadily advance the reform of the stock issuance registration system, actively introduce long-term investors, and maintain the stable operation of the capital market. It is necessary to promote the healthy development of the platform economy, complete the special rectification of the platform economy, implement normalized supervision, and introduce specific measures to support the standardized and healthy development of the platform economy.

The meeting pointed out that we must persist in running our own affairs well, speed up the construction of a new development pattern, unswervingly deepen the supply-side structural reform, use reform methods to solve problems in development, accelerate the realization of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement, and build a strong and resilient construction. the national economic cycle system. It is necessary to adhere to the expansion of high-level opening up, actively respond to the demands of foreign-funded enterprises to facilitate business operations in China, and stabilize the fundamentals of foreign trade and foreign investment.

The meeting emphasized that leading cadres at all levels must have a sense of responsibility of "always restless" in their work, take responsibility for their actions, seek truth and be pragmatic, and prevent all kinds of "black swan" and "grey rhino" incidents from happening. Party committees and governments at all levels must unite and lead the cadres and the masses to make concerted efforts and tenacious efforts to welcome the victory of the 20th Party Congress with practical actions.

The meeting pointed out that the preparation of the "National Talent Development Plan during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period is an important task deployed by the Party Central Committee, a specific measure to implement the spirit of the Central Talent Work Conference, and an important special project of the national "14th Five-Year Plan" plan. planning. It is necessary to comprehensively strengthen the party's leadership over talent work, firmly establish the strategic position of talent-led development, and cultivate, introduce and utilize talents in an all-round way.

The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to adhere to the key layout and step-by-step advancement, and accelerate the construction of the world's important talent centers and innovation highlands. Beijing, Shanghai, and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area should adhere to high standards and strive to become demonstration areas of innovative talent highlands. Some central cities where high-level talents are concentrated should take effective measures to build platforms for attracting and gathering talents, and accelerate the formation of strategic pivots and geese formations. It is necessary to vigorously cultivate and use strategic scientists, build a large number of first-class scientific and technological leaders and innovative teams, create a large-scale young scientific and technological talent team, and cultivate a large number of outstanding engineers. The focus of talent training should be placed on the support and training of basic research talents, and provide them with long-term and stable support and guarantees. It is necessary to deepen the reform of the talent development system and mechanism, and build a platform for all kinds of talents to start their own businesses. Party committees (party groups) at all levels must strengthen their main responsibilities, improve the work pattern of party management of talents, coordinate and promote the implementation of major measures for talent work, actively solve problems for the main body of personnel and talents, strengthen political guidance and political absorption of talents, and guide the majority of talents to love the party newspaper Country, dedication and dedication, mind the motherland, serve the people.

The meeting also studied other matters.
